Archive | 9:43 pm


9 Dec


Walk on over to and GET YOURS NOW!

Listen to me with all my advertising words.

Don’t forget to gimme feedback as well – I need to know what you like/don’t like, want/don’t want etc.
Thank you to Claire for her email 🙂

All sorts of people

9 Dec

have all sorts of contacts and this is actually doing so good! I think TKOE has got bigger already than I thought it would have and it’s still only little! I’m gonna need to buy a warehouse for stock..

So much news today..some of it I can talk about..some of it I can’t.. But it’s all very exciting! Alistair (my mums bro) has got all these contacts which look like they are coming in useful – but thas only jus starting so I won’t say anymore. There MIGHT be another T.V program happening.. MIGHT. I think I’ve said too much already. But it’s only a MIGHT at the moment okay? MIGHT.
Ummm what other news? My manager at Tesco has told me that they would be interested in promoting my tshirts in store… Now that is big news. I’m not saying any more about it because I don’t know anything more about it..will find out tomorrow.. but that is very exciting.
I think there was something else.. OH yeah. The Rainbow Trust are happy to have a sort of agreement with me about fundraising and stuff so Paypal can go ahead and all that. I spoke to a really nice guy called Pete and he said he would see about having a tshirt on their website – :O! Also big news. Gosh. Ahha! 😀 This is all so exciting.

Did I tell you guys the stats? On monday – when Inside Out was on – I had over 1150 hits on here. On an average day I get about 170-200. Yesterday I had like 550. I don’t know what todays total is so far but I know it’s a lot. Spread the word you guys and get buying ;). I know there isn’t much stock at the moment but I promise I’ll tell you as soon as there is and I also promise there will be more soon! I know I promised about the tshirts ages ago – but there was big problems with that so I’m sorry 😦 But I have ordered 3 more designs this morning so don’t be fretting. We’ve paid and everything so I know that it’s happening ahah :). Keep your eye on here and I’ll tell STRAIGHT AWAY.

I gotta say..I really actually love my friends. I mean, I know most people do, but mine are pretty awesome. All texting me and stuff 🙂 They watched me in tutorial aparently ahahah – how embarrassing..  But I love that they care and it properly means so much. I love you guys and I wanna say thanks 🙂 So..thanks :). Couldn’t get better friends anywhere :’).

Toby is feeling better by the way! Still a bit funny, but better. He slept for a long time so I think he’s nice and well rested. I’ve received all his christmas presents now..although one of them says on the parcel what it is so he best not go delving through the huge pile of parcels in my room…… 🙂

Productive day

9 Dec

Got new stock in and have now, just this second, ordered 3 more t-shirt designs!

White and black domino earrings will be available on later this evening as well as white domino rings – perfect for stocking fillers!

I’m not writing much because mum and I are just off to Ledbury for ‘a paper’ – what a grown up thing to buy.
I think my throat is getting better 🙂 But my mouth is getting worse 😦

This recent tshirt order has got me all chipper!

Design Pickle

9 Dec

I’ve got this idea in my head.. but I can’t put it onto the computer 😦 This is terrible that I’m using paint to test stuff out ahah.. Terrible or brilliant?

I need a shower..I’m gakky.