The post we never wanted to write

12 Sep

It’s difficult to know how to write this blog. We’ve played it over in our minds for weeks now, but until you get to it, you don’t know how to craft the words to say what you want it to say. So, cutting straight to the chase, our beautiful, feisty, annoying, brilliant Rosie died this morning.

She’d give you details, all the gory ones.  And would probably provide a picture too. Actually, although she was distressed to begin with, it ended quickly and peacefully. And we’re not shying away from the details to be sensitive. She was still telling the doctors and nurses what to do an hour before she died. There are no fine last words to report – not sure that anyone does really. But the last two people she spoke about were Calum and Sylvie. She did set Sylvie a harsh task, which is to watch Red or Black for her, which Sylvie will do with pride.

We’ll let you know funeral details, so keep reading the blog. And as Rosie renewed the TKOE domain name for two years only yesterday afternoon, it looks like TKOE will run for a bit yet. We’ve got money to donate anyway and stock which we need to raise money from.

Team Kilburn (the inner group) are sad beyond words today. But we wanted to thank the bigger Team Kilburn for the help, wise words and sheer belief you have given Rosie (and us) over the past two years.

Jo, Chris, Cal and Sylvie

141 Responses to “The post we never wanted to write”

  1. Maz September 12, 2011 at 4:19 pm #

    I am so sorry. Rosie made a difference. Not many people do, but she did. You all have.

    My love and sympathy to you all



    • Dee September 13, 2011 at 3:58 pm #

      I totally agree. Rosie was an inspiration to us all. She was brave, kind, considerate, funny, loving, and, well, what else can I say except, her passing puts a lot of our everyday moans and groans into perspective. Rosie, I salute you my love. You’re now up there in heaven, a beautiful angel. Night night sweetheart. You will never ever be forgotten. Dee P.

    • Charlotte Hall September 13, 2011 at 5:25 pm #

      Rosie you are and always be one of the bravest people I will ever know, and I’m so proud to have been able to call you a friend. Like many others I will miss your strong and inspiring and funny heart! God bless and may you be at peace now! Love too you Toby and your family

    • Eve Conway September 14, 2011 at 4:33 pm #

      I am so very sorry to hear about Rosie – She was inspirational and a wonderful, fun-loving person. She was a truly worthy recipient of a Rotary Young Citizen Award last year and was featured on the BBC News Channel. We had such fun filming and she was a great speaker on the live Awards programme in Bournemouth.
      My thoughts are with you all – Jo, Chris, Cal and Sylvie. Much love, Eve

  2. Alison Hall September 12, 2011 at 4:25 pm #

    Devastated, totally devastated for you all. I am so very sorry to be reading your words this afternoon, heck I only just messaged Rosie to ask where her lovely duvet cover came from!

    Our thoughts are with you all tonight and over the coming weeks, your daughter was incredibly brave and very talented and I just wish this world had more people like her in it.

    Love and hugs.

    Ali xx

  3. Alison Croft September 12, 2011 at 4:26 pm #

    I am so sorry. Rosie was a true inspiration to everyone who came into contact with her. Whether actually meeting her, or following her on the blog. She has made a difference to so many people.

    All my love to you all.

    Alison xx

  4. Deborah Morgenstern September 12, 2011 at 4:26 pm #

    [The post I never wanted to read]. Rosie was an inspiration to us all and it has been an honour to join Team Kilburn on your journey.

    In true Rosie style, hearing the news this morning brought not only sorrow, but also a thirst to do something positive (where did I learn that from?) TKOE is certainly not finished, I have ideas….

    I will be in touch again in due course. Big hugs and huge admiration. I love you guys.


    • Robin September 12, 2011 at 4:42 pm #

      well done, please keep this going x

  5. Serena September 12, 2011 at 4:27 pm #

    My Thoughts are with you all . I had tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat when I read the blog , x x

  6. Laura Gough September 12, 2011 at 4:31 pm #

    I am soo sorry for your loss Jo, Chris, Sylvie and Callum, Rosie is a credit to you all and will remain in the thoughts and hearts of us all forever! The brightest star in the sky. She warmed the hearts of thousands of us and her bravery and your will never be forgotten. RIP Rosie Kilburn you fought so well sweetheart love always angel xxxxx

  7. Hayley Dunlop (@hayjane) September 12, 2011 at 4:32 pm #

    Goodbye Rosie, it was a pleasure meeting you at the Guardian in 2009.

    A big hug to all her friends and family at this sad, difficult time.

    Hayley xx

  8. Elena September 12, 2011 at 4:34 pm #

    It breaks my heart that we’ll never get to see another photo or read another hiliarous, wonderful, inspiring sentence.
    You were an incredible spirit, Rosie and you will be shining bright forever.
    Sleep well dear girl xxx

  9. Tracey September 12, 2011 at 4:34 pm #

    I cant say how sorry and saddened I am to hear that Rosie has now passed away. I never met her but I feel that I know her so well.

    I just dont have the words other than to say I truly do know what you are all going through having lost someone very close to me from this awful disease.

    My love and heartfelt thoughts are with you all xxx

  10. Dee September 12, 2011 at 4:37 pm #

    She really did live til she died. What an amazing person…….. never to be forgotten. I will always try and remember to look at the world through Rosie coloured glasses.

    Feeling so sad, but the love and support you gave her and each other shines through… are an amazing family. Sending deepest sympathy and love,


  11. Ken McNeil September 12, 2011 at 4:37 pm #

    My wife and I are so sorry to hear this news. As with many, if not all, of Rosie’s followers we both had tears reading your words. A very sad day for inner Kilburn and our love and best wishes are sent to you all.

  12. Nadia Topp September 12, 2011 at 4:39 pm #

    Oh goodness me, it seems like no time ago at all I was sat in a classroom laughing at Rosie’s cheeky, witty comments and thinking she was one of the bravest, most inspirational people I will know.

    She was a gorgeous, talented, wonderful young woman and although I haven’t managed to keep in contact with her lately – sadly I never managed to get to know her as well as I would have liked – I would always think of her from time to time and remember what a strong spirit she was; she will forever inspire me to tackle life head-on and face the world with strength, courage and determination. So many people in the world could learn so much from such a caring, passionate person as her.

    All my love and positive energy for all the friends, family and supporters of TKOE over the past and coming years; my deepest sympathies and fondest memories of a beautiful, brave young woman x

  13. Natalie Bones September 12, 2011 at 4:40 pm #

    You are all in my heart, Team Kilburn, as is beautiful Rosie herself.
    She was so brave, so strong, and so determined, that I find it so difficult to believe this is true. If anyone could have beaten cancer, it was her. I love you Rosie Kilburn xxxxx

  14. Dominic September 12, 2011 at 4:41 pm #

    I’m so sorry. A braver fight, well there haven’t been many. True dignity and charitable nature all the way. I’m sorry for your loss but happy you had such an inspirational member of team Kilburn


  15. Jilly (beckys aunty) September 12, 2011 at 4:42 pm #

    So sad and im sorry for your loss, she was a figher Becky told me that, and I will keep all her blogs that I have so that when i think life is hard I will read them over and over agin and know that there is ill people fighting more than i am and they just get one with it, my thought are with you, and rosie’s legacy will live in through her friends and through her blogs she will never be fogotten

    Jill xx

  16. Jane September 12, 2011 at 4:44 pm #

    Dear Jo Chris Cal & Sylvie, we are so sorry to hear this news. Rosie was an inspirational lady and a free spirit who will be missed by us all in the wider TK network. Our love and thoughts are with you. As Deborah says above – TKOE is certainly not finished and our little table top sale next month will be done with even more gusto in Rosie’s memory. She will never be forgotten.

  17. denataylor September 12, 2011 at 4:46 pm #

    I came late to Rosie’s story but she stands out, her words stand out, and thanks to her and Team Kilburn, are forever captured on the web. Wherever she is off to now — on the other side, as they say — will be a glorious and much more fun place to be with Rosie in it. Much love to you from a grateful reader. –Dena

  18. Anne September 12, 2011 at 4:47 pm #

    No words just so very sorry for you all. Rosie really did make a difference and one of the reasons for this was the strength, support and love she got from you, her dearly loved family. Take care

    Anne x

  19. Robin September 12, 2011 at 4:50 pm #

    im so sorry, and devastated that i missed her last week of posts too.

    I know she would hate it but im crying my eyes out n i can’t help it.

    Dee put it perfectly, ‘To see the world through Rosie couloured glasses’. This is the one thing that I will try and take with me forever.

    She was an amazing human being who captivated me and inspired me from the first few sentences she spoke on a programme I watched on bbc and ever since.

    Rest In Peace Rosie Kilburn, this world was never meant for one as brilliant as you

    I love you x x x x x x

  20. J. Palmer September 12, 2011 at 4:50 pm #

    I am so sorry to hear about Rosie’s passing. Even though i never met Rosie, she was an inspiration to me. A sad day,
    Stay strong Team Kilburn xx

  21. Georgina September 12, 2011 at 4:51 pm #

    Darling family

    I was so, so, so sad to hear the news this morning from Amy.

    Your whole family has been amazing, I have felt SO privileged to be reading what you have all gone through over such a long time.

    I shall always remember your lovely daughter, full of life when she came here on holiday with us all just before she was diagnosed, and her beauty with her short hair after her chemotherapy, and her spirit and inspiration to so many people. I am sitting here crying, thinking what a loss to to all who knew her she is, but we have had the pleasure of knowing her and that is what we must hang on to.

    It really is not right to be burying a child, they are meant to bury us.

    After Amy ‘phoned with your news I read on facebook that my niece had just had their baby – as they would say here in Turkey – this is life.

    My love, support and hugs to you – be kind to yourselves – go for that pub lunch and your remarkable daughter will be there with you. xxxxx

  22. Liz Kidd September 12, 2011 at 5:05 pm #

    Our hearts here go out to you all. You must be so proud of Rosie – you were so lucky to have her and no words can express the loss that this must be to you all. You are all amazing – and she was so lucky to have such a stunning family.
    With kindest thoughts to you all at this unimaginably difficult time.
    Love from Liz and Neil Kidd

  23. Dollydimple September 12, 2011 at 5:07 pm #

    They say it’s not the years in your life but the life in your years that counts and boy, Rosie did a lot of living. It’s not fair and it’s not right that Rosie had to go through all of this but she leaves the world a better place for her having been in it.
    Stay strong Team Kilburn, as you have done throughout this and remember what an incredible and beautiful person she was.
    with much love to you all x x

  24. Rose Mayerling September 12, 2011 at 5:11 pm #

    So sorry to hear your very sad news , Thinking of you all at this very sad time with lots of love to you all , Love Rose (mayerling ) I will miss reading Rosies insperational blogs xxxxx

  25. Lara Wiltshire September 12, 2011 at 5:12 pm #

    Deepest sympathies to all.

    I have only been reading Rosie’s story for a few months but she certainly stood out from the crowd. May she rest in peace, with her love and light shining down on all xxxxx

  26. Andrea Clarke September 12, 2011 at 5:13 pm #

    I’m struggling to find the right words, but i guess there just aren’t any. Rosie was such an inspiration and she will always be in my heart and so many other hearts as well.

    Much love to all of team Kilburn – your hearts must hurt so much,


  27. Michelle September 12, 2011 at 5:15 pm #

    There’s a star in the sky that burns the brightest for you all, it’s YOUR STAR, the star that gave us the best blog ever, the star that will be forever in your head and in your heart, no matter where and what you do, and that star is ROSIE.
    Rosie, wherever you may be, we’re missing you, but, we will not forget you, nor forget the work you did. We will carry on with your sterling work, I will still spread the love, your love.
    Bless you Team Kilburn, stay strong, we’re with you.
    Night night Rosie xxxx

    • jill Clayton September 12, 2011 at 5:22 pm #

      Michelle speaks for us all. Love , Jill

  28. margaret crisp September 12, 2011 at 5:21 pm #

    Hi inner team kilburn, am so sorry to hear this news of Rosie today, but so glad that John and I eventually got to meet her and hopefully make her smile for a little while. I will treasure the picture of ‘the cheshire cat grins,’ the photo you took of us just two days ago, when Rosie said she’d airbrush out my stomach to make me look thinner!! I promised her I’d come and see her and am so glad that I was able to do so…
    Her writing was superb, with her witticisms and sense of humour shining through despite the tragedy of her personal condition –
    A most remarkable young lady who has touched, inspired and achieved in her 19 years more than many so-called world leaders put together!
    Thinking of you all,
    love mags and john.

  29. Louise E Gisby September 12, 2011 at 5:32 pm #

    I want to write something but am not sure what to say. Nathan and I have been reading the blog and obviously Nathan was keeping up with Rosie. I am so so sorry for your loss. Rosie was a very big personality and her strength and determination has been an inspiration to many. Our thoughts are with you.

    Louise and Nathan Gisby

  30. Jackie Mash September 12, 2011 at 5:32 pm #

    I am so very sorry to hear this sad sad news. I never met Rosie, but she was in my sons tutorial at school (he is several years younger) and he always spoke well of her. In fact Rosie got the form tutor to call me one day because she was concerned for my son – always thinking of others. Our younger son did the Collingwood sponsored walk a few years ago and donated half of his sponsorship to TKOE as he wanted to do something to help. I can’t begin to imagine how you must be feeling at the moment but the one thing I do know is that you must be so immensely proud of Rosie and all that she acheived in her life. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. From the Mash family x

  31. Pip Armstrong September 12, 2011 at 5:34 pm #

    There is a poem that goes ….
    Do not stand at my grave and weep
    I am not there. I do not sleep.
    I am a thousand winds that blow.
    I am the diamond glints on snow.
    I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
    I am the gentle autumn rain.
    When you awaken in the morning’s hush
    I am the swift uplifting rush
    Of quiet birds in circled flight.
    I am the soft stars that shine at night.
    Do not stand at my grave and cry;
    I am not there, I did not die.
    I am sure that everybody has heard this before but I think it is particularly apt in Rosie’s case as she will continue to shine as the glintiest, bravest and most dignified star in the sky. Bless her cotton socks and all who sail in her I say, please give me a call if I can come and help you with anything and I do mean that x

  32. MichelleH September 12, 2011 at 5:35 pm #

    Started following this blog at the same time i did the zumbathon, this is sad news, and although i did not know her physically, i felt like i knew her through this wonderful blog. Truely inspirational little lady that the world has lost but wont be forgotten, she will be in the actions of those lives she has touched throughout her life. Love to all that are ‘Team Kilburn’. xxx

  33. Carrie September 12, 2011 at 5:38 pm #

    Dear Kilburn family, I am so very sad and sorry to read this news. I’m sitting here in tears even though I never met Rosie, but her positivity and amazing spirit came through in every word she wrote. She achieved so much in her short life and I know you must be so proud of her. I have no doubt at all that her legacy will live on through TKOE. Thinking of you all tonight.

  34. UleyGirl September 12, 2011 at 5:40 pm #

    Well what an amazing girl, and life, and family. Your blog has given me the phrase ‘winner, winner chicken dinner’ which will always make me laugh. Rosie – As crazy and happy as her mother it seems 🙂 it’s been a pleasure x

  35. Natasha Farr September 12, 2011 at 5:48 pm #

    I only met Rosie a handful of times before her diagnosis but always heard and read about her strength and determination through her blog and through her friend (and my step-sister) Amy. I was so saddened to hear of such a beautiful, inspirational young person being taken so soon. My thoughts go out to you and your family. There are so many people whose lives she has touched and if her life has taught me anything it is that I want to be more like her.
    Rest in peace beautiful girl.
    All my love, Natasha xxxxxxxxx

  36. Josh September 12, 2011 at 5:58 pm #

    Oddly enough I was actually listening to this (video linked) as I clicked TKOE on google and read the post Rosie made about being Terminal those few weeks ago. Seems so appropriate now.

    I’m just very grateful that I had the opportunity to get to know Rosie. Having read her blog responses here it’s clear that so many would have liked to, but never got the chance. It’s for those people that I say – She really was as awesome as the posts make out!

    I left the same comment on the newly created facebook group. Sorry for recycling – but its what I wanted to say.

    My condolences to you all.

    • Lin September 12, 2011 at 7:21 pm #

      Josh …….this is wonderful…it made me cry…..then it made me smile….thank you 🙂 x

      • Michelle September 12, 2011 at 8:16 pm #

        I so agree, long live the (drama) queen.
        Thanks Josh 🙂 xxx

      • Mike September 13, 2011 at 9:47 am #

        Ditto. This is brilliant. Thanks Josh.

  37. celia butler September 12, 2011 at 5:58 pm #

    Goodnight golden girl, you will be missed and remembered so fondly by so many people.
    What a legacy you’ve left behind.
    Jo, Chris, Calum and Sylvie – this is hard beyond belief for you, your wider family and all those close to Rosie. Your strength as a family will carry you through somehow, but the outer circle are still here only too ready and willing to do anything that’s needed.
    Love to you all on this saddest of days. x

  38. barbara September 12, 2011 at 5:59 pm #

    Such sad,sad news.I have been following Rosie’s blog for quite a while.When I switch my computer on it’s the first thing I look at.She has been such an inspiration to so many people and was cheerful in difficult times.I am so glad she did the “vlog”.There will be such a hole in your lives now.I really don’t know what to say I am so upset.

  39. Coz Al September 12, 2011 at 6:16 pm #

    If you are going to raise a glass tonight, raise it to Rosie. We’ll miss you.

  40. Raines Williams September 12, 2011 at 6:17 pm #

    I am so sorry to hear this sad, sad news. I know I am repeating what others have already said, but Rosie was truly an inspiration. Her spirited, brave and uplifting posts touched so many lives.

    Love to you all Team Kilburn.

    Raines x

  41. Josie September 12, 2011 at 6:29 pm #

    I just could not believe the news this morning- especially after watching Rosie’s video here only Saturday.
    I could not have been more shocked.
    It is such sad, sad news.
    But, you must be so proud of your wonderful daughter.
    Our thoughts are with you all,
    love Josie

  42. Bob Pritchard September 12, 2011 at 6:37 pm #

    Team Kilburn – thinking of you. Brilliant young people like Rosie don’t appear from nowhere, they are lucky enough to have brilliant families around them, and you’re clearly a brilliant family.
    Rosie was a truly amazing human being, and achieved more in her short time than most would manage in 100 years. I feel truly lucky to have known her.

  43. Lin September 12, 2011 at 7:04 pm #

    I have sat here all day since your call and tried to find the words to write……but I can’t, so I may just ramble a little.
    From the first moment you put Ro in my arms and she wrapped her fingers around my finger, she wrapped them round my heart too, and I have loved her ever since and I always will.
    I feel very special to have known her and been a part of her life. I believe the next generation should give us hope for the future, and she did that for me.
    So tonight is a night for tears and for memories and for raising a glass to the brightest, funniest, sweetest, most inspiring, talented, and loveliest young woman – who also thought I was both funny AND cool and you gotta cherish the few that think that 🙂
    So ….tomorrow the Rosie coloured glasses go back on but for tonight – here’s to you Team Kilburn and to you, Rosie love, you will always be in my heart

    • Michelle September 12, 2011 at 8:22 pm #

      I raised my glass to Rosie with you tonight Lin.
      Her spirit will live on forever – she has a feisty otter named after her 🙂
      And Rosie was right – you are funny and cool, you make me laugh 😉
      Love and hugs to you, and Team Kilburn, xxxx

      • Lin September 12, 2011 at 8:43 pm #

        Thank you Mic 🙂

  44. caz September 12, 2011 at 7:21 pm #

    So sorry to hear/read your news. Although I didn’t know Rosie in the true sense of the word I feel that I learnt a lot about her from reading her blogs.
    Strong,determined and fun are just three words of the many I could use to describe the side of Rosie that I saw from TKOE website & blog.
    As a mother myself I can’t imagine what you are all going through,I guess Rosie must’ve inherited her strength from her family.
    Rest peacefully Rosie you inspirational young lady xxx

  45. M Welsh September 12, 2011 at 7:35 pm #

    Our thoughts and hearts are with you – So sorry

    Mary & Charles ( Welsh Family)

  46. Lin September 12, 2011 at 7:56 pm #

  47. trudy robertson September 12, 2011 at 8:17 pm #

    Sleep well beautiful xxx our thought are with you Jo, Chris, Calum,(with 1L) and please blog at anytime, we are here for all of you.Loads of hugs for you guys.xxxx
    Trudy Andrew Zoe and Ash Robertson xxxx

  48. Natasha Russell September 12, 2011 at 8:26 pm #

    I met Rosie when she came to start the race for life at Hartpury when I was an event manager for Race for Life, she stood out that day and has been an inspiration ever since. I met her again at the Zumbathon and it was lovely to see her. I wish I had known her and my thoughts are with Team Kilburn. I look forward to supporting The Knock On Effect for a long time.


  49. Kate September 12, 2011 at 8:30 pm #

    I’m not sure what to write (I’m not as elequant as our lovely Rosie) but desparately want Team Kilburn to know how much we’re thinking of you all. Rosie has really opened my eyes to what’s important in life and I will never forget her, she’s one special lady. Lots of tears this evening, but keep telling myself she wouldn’t want that. I will be Coz Al’s shoulder, as always, (another amazing lady), there must be something magic in your genes! Love to all, thinking of you xxx xxx xxx.

  50. Rv September 12, 2011 at 8:38 pm #

    Reading this blog was a story I was hoping would never end, so whilst it’s just irredeemably awful to have it end I’m glad the end was peaceful. I’ll miss logging on and finding out how Rosie managed to find something interesting and funny about every day and situation, no matter how grim and dull the day was.

    Team Kilburn should think about making this into a book to show that the end is not the diagnosis- there is so much living to be done even if there is that infernal cancer in the background.

    My thoughts to the whole family- can’t imagine how difficult this must be for you all. No one should have to go through this. Whilst Rosie’s blog touched so many people I’m sure we’d rather she was never in the position to have needed to blog through this.

  51. Bill R September 12, 2011 at 8:45 pm #

    So sorry and thinking of you all tonight.

    With all of our love x

  52. Elliot September 12, 2011 at 9:27 pm #

    When I read this earlier, I wasn’t sure what to think. Whilst I cannot deny that I have been preparing for this day, I still didn’t expect it to arrive.
    Rosie has been such an inspiration to me, in ways she never knew, and this hurts me as I never got the chance to tell her. Because of her, I was compelled to talk openly about ‘taboo’ subjects like cancer, for she was always so open about it and always willing to talk about her battle. Thanks to her, I have learnt how to fight courageously through any challenge that I have faced. And if it weren’t for her, I wouldn’t have taken up a job as a door-to-door charity fundraiser this summer, knocking on the doors of the good people of Bristol and surrounding areas, trying to persuade residents to sign up and regularly donate to Cancer Research UK.
    When I experience a significant emotional upheaval, as I did today, I don’t get angry, or cry – I write. I don’t know why, but it was the events of today that led me to write the poem below. It’s also on the newly created Facebook page, and I hope that it sums up everything that Rosie was about. It’s simply entitled ‘REDK’:

    You turned words into poems,
    Letters to gold.
    A fighter, a character,
    A sight to behold.

    As dawns became dusks,
    And nights became morns
    You battled with courage
    And to us you informed

    Of the highs and the lows,
    Of the laughs and the tears
    With a keyboard, a smile,
    And tenacity dear.

    We all came along
    For the journey and ride
    And you kept us upbeat
    As we stuck by your side.

    The musketeers many
    The soldiers abound
    And with voices, the spirits
    They never touched ground.

    And now, words like ‘legend’
    Will fit with your face
    And we will remember.
    We will remember.

    When Rosie was first diagnosed in February 2008, we as a class came up with a saying – All For One And One For All. Three and a half years later, that saying still rings as true as it did then.

    Sleep tight Rosie – words cannot describe how much you mean to me. God Bless.
    Elliot xxx

  53. sleepysue September 12, 2011 at 9:29 pm #

    Such sad news..Rosie,you are an inspiration to us all. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. Love to the family. Sleep tight xx

  54. barbara September 12, 2011 at 9:29 pm #

    This is my second post but I just wanted to echo what the previous blogger said.Make Rosie’s life into a book.What a brilliant memorial to Rosie.Please think about doing it even if it is only transforming her blogs into a book.Think how much money you could raise into teenage cancer and it would give you a purpose and keep Rosie’s memry alive.I believe in the philosophy(and I told Rosie) that you never really die until everyone that knew (or knew of you) has died.A lovely thought.

  55. Vicky Plaine September 12, 2011 at 9:29 pm #

    I’ve not written before but have been following the ups and downs of Rosie’s life for some time through her blog and through my friend (coz) Alex. I wish I could have met Rosie but I know a little bit of her spirit and bravery remains in all those who have been touched by her words. She will not be forgotten. My thoughts are with you all. Vicky x

  56. Jen Wells September 12, 2011 at 9:30 pm #

    I am so sorry. Rosie was fabulous and funny, and I have so many memories of her. She will never be gone from our hearts, and her spirit will live on through everyone who knew her. My thoughts are with you all. xx

  57. Jen Beetson September 12, 2011 at 9:57 pm #

    I just can’t find the words tonight, I’m so sorry. I’ve tried but deleted it again and again. I wanted magic for Rosie, I just thought her spirit would change the physics of it all. She had such force! Rosie was courage itself, so incredible and rare. Love to you Team Kilburn xxxxxx xxxxxx

  58. Kelly September 12, 2011 at 9:59 pm #

    In tears we saw you sinking,
    And watched you pass away.
    Our hearts were almost broken,
    We wanted you to stay.
    But when we saw you sleeping,
    So peaceful, free from pain,
    How could we wish you back with us,
    To suffer that again. It broke our hearts to
    lose you, But you did not go alone,
    For part of us went with you,
    The day God took you home.

  59. JKS September 12, 2011 at 10:07 pm #

    Those sparkling eyes on the vlog and in the picture with Mags are going to be with me for a long time. Mourning for you and with you in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Pax.

  60. Fiona September 12, 2011 at 10:11 pm #

    So very sad to hear the news- love and sympathy to team Kilburn and so many memories for you all of such a fine and beautiful young woman.

    The Seller family

  61. Karen September 12, 2011 at 10:24 pm #

    To Jo, Chris, Callum and Slyvie,
    I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I only met Rosie a couple of times in her life and didn’t really know her, but I feel I got to know what a clever, strong and inspirational young lady she was through reading her blog. As I’m about to wave my daughter off to uni, I can’t begin to understand how you must be feeling-life can be so unfair. Rosie was a credit to all of you and I wish I had known her better. She touched so many people’s lives including mine and may she now rest in peace, knowing that she made a difference. The poem written by Elliot is beautiful.
    My thoughts are with you all.
    God bless Rosie. xx

  62. Eileen Richards September 12, 2011 at 10:26 pm #

    What can I say? Your Rosie may have lived briefly, but, goodness,what a difference she made to the lives of those around her. The ripples extend way beyond your immediate circle.As someone who has a son of the same age, and someone who has followed her blogs, my heart goes out to you ‘inner Team Kilburn’. I hope your unbelievable strength and your memories sustain you in the times ahead. I will never forget her,her maturity, her outlook on life and her incredible joyousness, and I never even met her.

    My heart goes out to you.


  63. Nicola Bishop September 12, 2011 at 10:35 pm #

    Rosie was so inspirational to everybody that had heard of her. She told her story as it was, not to get sympathy or for people to feel sorry for her, but for people to realise how devastating cancer can be to peoples lives. I didn’t read her blog all the time but when I did, she made me laugh, cry, every emotion possible for the way she told her story. When I lost somebody very close to me with cancer, she asked how I was, when she didn’t have too. She was going through her own battle, but she still made time for other people suffering too. You can see the love and time people have for her by the comment people have made on here and facebook. Rosie you were an inspiration to everybody, you were so brave and so strong, I honestly don’t know how you did it. Lots of love to you wherever you are, my heart goes out to your family, friends and boyfriend. xx

  64. Claire September 12, 2011 at 11:10 pm #

    Oh I will miss your Rosie so much.
    You are such a wonderful family; you’ve let us into your lives & let us share your lovely girl when it would have been most people’s reaction to keep every last wonderful drop of her to themselves. I was re-reading some early blogs yesterday & was startled all over again by her insight, her humour & her directness, & I too would love to see her words in print.
    She wrote a few weeks ago about Toby, who never let go, though she could feel him shaking. Love to all of you, who ‘never let go’ , & wove the cradle of love she rested in.
    Sleep tight sweetie

  65. anita Connah's mam September 12, 2011 at 11:13 pm #

    Its all been said by the comments above, our thoughts are with you and of the very special girl who inspired so many and who gave so much.xx

  66. Matt Evans September 12, 2011 at 11:14 pm #

    I am all too new to these posts and Would have loved to have connected through them with Rosie, your daughter is one amazing inspiration, my father had cancer not so long ago and it was hard to see him go through what he did and as soon as I wake up tomorrow I’m pretty sure he’ll be saying the same things as me. You are two very special people to have been blessed with Rosie, and from what I’ve read you couldn’t have stopped giggling at some of things she used to go into so much detail about. My thoughts and feelings go out to you guys, especially her two siblings and anybody that knew Rosie enough to have a giggle with her. What a phenomenal, kind hearted, spirited, wild inspiration Rosie was and may more people pluck up the courage to write about their trials and tribulations just has your daughter has. One word: amazing. Hold your head up family and friends because you are all truly blessed to have been a part of her life.

  67. Chris September 13, 2011 at 12:20 am #

    Dear Jo, Chris, Cal, Sylvie, Toby and I know Rosie will be listening in heaven too,

    So sorry to hear the very sad news that Rosie has crossed over to the other side, she was so young and full of zest; heaven will be a better place now she is there and we have had a more enriched life for knowing and having written to Rosie. Just as Rosie had all the doctors and nurses doing things the way she wanted then I hope Rosie has them all on their toes on the other side of life as she arranges to stay with them now?

    Rosie has made the world a totally different place with her blog writings pictures and videos. More so with her unique website The Knock On Effect (TKOE) that has raised money for her chosen charity and causes. I am sure Rosie will continue to make a difference too many people’s lives for many years to come long after we have joined her thanks to your lovely family and friends helping Rosie express herself and get her message across the world wide web.

    Jo, Chris, Cal, Sylvie and Toby too, I know the mixed feelings and emotions you are going through right now, I have lost both my parents and young soldiers, many of the young soldiers around Rosie age sadly too, but please remember she is still in your hearts and minds and part of your life for the rest of time and the same to all her friends as long as we want her to be, She most certainly is in all her global readers hearts minds and prayers too.

    As Maz, Mic and many blog writers have already said, Rosie has made an important difference in this world and I feel she has also became part of each of our families too; every day our families have asked about Rosie just has much as we read her daily news. We have each travel the enlightened path with Rosie as she wrote in her daily blog and she has fought a good fight to stay with you all for as long as she possibly could at the same time bring many of her readers into your family lives. I know each of you will deeply miss her lovely voice, charm and quirky ways just as much as we will miss reading and seeing what she wanted to say to us waiting in the balconies on tender hooks to see and read her blog.

    To answer your post Chris and Jo, I agree with each of you, Rosie would have replied with all her graphic details on what happened each time, and post her pictures she took which explained a thousand words for Rosie too, but that was Rosie’s unique way of writing to tell her story and made her one special young lady. I am sure every one of her blog readers has had their private and family lives enriched by reading and writing to Rosie just has she has showed us how to live with cancer for the last two years whilst at the same time enjoy every precious day and hour with her friends and family.

    Your family must be very proud of Rosie and her vast achievements, she is and was an incredible and humble young lady that most certainly deserved a better healthier life, but even in the short time I have known Rosie I have always countered her as a close friend fighting cancer together and I will miss writing to Rosie every day for the rest of my life, but I will also celebrate having known such a lovely soul and young woman.
    Jo, Chris and family, please accept our family’s sincere condolences loosing such a vibrant and lovely young lady. I know you will be at a terrible loss right now, but I was pleased to see you took the time to write to us all so we can express our deepest sympathies at loosing Rosie too. God bless Rosie, you are one lovely precious soul. We also would like to thank you for allowing Rosie to be able to express herself and write openly to her many blog readers whilst allowing us into your home too. We hope that you will continue to write to keep the spirit of Rosie’s work alive.

    God bless Rosie and special kind thoughts for your Mum, Dad, family and friends too, xxx
    From Bev, Chris and all the Dixon family, xxx

    PS. I totally agree with others, Rosie blog and life should be made into a book because it will inspire others to live life to the full even with cancer.

  68. Helen September 13, 2011 at 1:11 am #

    To Jo and family, I am so sorry to hear this news. Rosie was an inspiration to so many people and I can’t quite believe I won’t get to read her writing again. The world has lost a special person. Hx

  69. Maria Olpin September 13, 2011 at 6:53 am #

    my thoughts are with you all x
    goodnight Rosie

  70. miriammcclay September 13, 2011 at 7:16 am #

    Dear Jo, Chris, Calum, Sylvie and Toby,
    You are all in my thoughts at this very sad time. Here’s to Rosie Kilburn – she’s a bright shining star, a force behind the wind and the beat of the rain. xx

  71. trudy robertson September 13, 2011 at 7:18 am #

    Lin,This is the facebook page for Rosie R.I.P Rosie Kilburn.Gone but never forgotten.

    • Alison Hall September 13, 2011 at 10:22 am #

      Trudy I have tried copying and pasting your words into Facebook but cannot find the page for Rosie, are you able to post a proper link at all?



  72. trudy robertson September 13, 2011 at 7:22 am #

    R.I.P Rosie Kilburn. Gone But Never Forgotten
    wow guys, this is incredible! It’s amazing how many posts there are !It shows just how much everyone loved her and how inspiring she was !♥
    This was put on Facebook last night please visit and read.

  73. dawn warner September 13, 2011 at 7:34 am #

    Dear Rosie’s family,
    Such sad news that it is difficult to find the right words when the tears come so readily. I am so sorry for your loss.
    I will always remember Rosie as the bright and feisty girl who came into our lives. A girl that became such a courageous and inspirational young woman. A sincere and dear friend to my Corrine.
    What a girl! What an imprint Rosie left upon us and the world!
    Well done to a loving and supportive family who ‘gave’ us Rosie and everything Rosie achieved. Good to hear the TKOE will continue.
    Dawn x

  74. Jonquil September 13, 2011 at 7:39 am #

    I am so,so sorry. A wise man said “It is not length of life but depth of life”; Rosie’s life was ocean deep. Thinking of you all with love

    • Lin September 13, 2011 at 9:26 am #

      This is very nice, Jonquil, and very fitting 🙂

  75. J. Palmer September 13, 2011 at 7:49 am #

    Had little sleep last night thinking of someone i never actually met.
    Rosie, i think it’s important for you to understand that although the majority of your cyber friends never met you…they know of you.
    Bless you, where ever you are x

  76. Alan September 13, 2011 at 7:57 am #

    A truly sad time for Inner Kilburn and all Rosies friends and followers. Such an inspirational young lady who will be missed by many. The first time I heard about Rosie was when she started Race for Life at Hartpury. I was at the 1st anniversary of my treatment was still feeling really lousy from side effects but was there to support my wife and daughters who were running in memory of family lost to this terrible disease. I listened to what Rosie said and was blown away at such positivity. It certainly made me realize just how lucky I was. Please keep TKOE going in her memory, it has done much and can continue to do so. My thoughts are with you all.

  77. Anna September 13, 2011 at 8:03 am #

    Dear Inner team Kilburn,

    I was so sad to hear this new. Although I didn’t know Rosie personally, I feel very much like I did know her and I’ve been following Rosie on her blogs ever since they started. She was truely an inspirational, brave, beautiful young woman – like so many have said, and a wonderful reflection on you – her family. Rosie was wonderful, and all my thoughts and love are with you all.

    Anna x

  78. Andy Beach September 13, 2011 at 8:12 am #

    So very sad. Thoughts with you all at this most difficult of times.


  79. Sara September 13, 2011 at 8:23 am #

    Rosie was truly one of a kind, you don’t meet many people like her in a lifetime and I think myself very lucky that I knew her for as long as I did and got to see all the remarkable things she acheived. Love to all of Team Kilburn xxxxxx

  80. Phillippa September 13, 2011 at 8:38 am #

    Im lost for words…

    such sad news… im so sorry.

    i began reading Rosies blog about a year ago, she captivated me with her braveness, her courageous attitude, im 19, i live in Cheltenham, and i cannot say i would have been able to see the world the way Rosie did, she truly inspired me to pick my self up when knocked down and to see that things arnt always as bad as they seem. Wata girl, i didnt know rosie personally but she had a way with words, and always put a smile on my face, she was a cracking girl and a real credit to your family.

    My deepest sympathy’s,


  81. Xxxxx September 13, 2011 at 9:21 am #

    Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath away………. Sleep well Rosie. All the family are very much in my thoughts x

  82. Mike September 13, 2011 at 9:31 am #

    I can’t believe this happening so quickly. My deepest condolences to everyone in Team Kilburn. I would offer my condolences to all of us who won’t hear Rosie’s voice again, but that voice is here. Forever. Thousands of brilliant words, and she wrote in the most indelible ink, of incredible courage and indefatigible wit. Everyone’s right, a book is in order, to let as many as possible share her story and experience what is to truly be alive. I can’t believe she’s gone.

    All our love.

    • Phillippa September 15, 2011 at 7:58 am #

      Hi there Mike, i was just ready you message and this has to happen with all profits going to TKOE!! A book is needed and we shall all have to go about doing it!

  83. Hazel September 13, 2011 at 9:38 am #

    i met you and rosie when we had a stall at ledbury memorial hall last christmas time (ish!) i had an eco friendly stall and i was useless and had to borrow a pen. i can remember your smiles and cheeriness. such a sad time for you all but what a legacy Rosie has left for everyone. stay strong in this sad time. reading this and my facebook page she touched so many people in her life and filled it with so much.

    take care

  84. Kirsty September 13, 2011 at 10:24 am #

    I am so sorry, my thoughts are with you all. Xx

  85. kaytee jayne September 13, 2011 at 11:49 am #

    like so many others all i feel i can say is sorry im so so sorry for this horrendous loss but i eel i wan to say so much more about such an amazing person who i briefly new, Rosie became a friend through portrayingher story for a project for university i have a final copy i have been meaning to send along with boxes of her favourites animal biscuits, this i am determined to still deliver to you chris as i hope it is something you can all lisen to and enjoy i loved rosie as she changed so much about myself and the way i value my life she truly was an inspiration to me as i know she was to hundreds. i pray you can some how get through this grief and remember her for the shining light she was Rosie may not be with us for us to see but she is everywhere through everything she has managed to put together and produce. she will always be remembered in my heart love you Rosie Kilburn you crazy child! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  86. Helen & Harrie September 13, 2011 at 12:02 pm #

    What can I say that hasn’t been said by everyone before.
    We all feel very privlidged that in whatever way, BIG or small, Ro touched all of our lives. We will all miss her and her high energy and determination and that lovely smile. A truly inspirational young lady. Team Kilburn you are fantastic and you will get thro this ‘one day at a time’ (isn’t that our favourite saying Jo?)

    Love you guys loads

    Helen, Mark & Harrie

  87. Peter September 13, 2011 at 12:04 pm #

    I feel honoured to have had Ro as cousin, she has been so inspirational to so many people.

    R.I.P Rosie Kilburn – You will never be forgotten.

  88. Claire September 13, 2011 at 1:04 pm #

    When I google ‘the knock on effect’, the link which appears is still from the 6th Sept, & begins with some of Rosie’s words from the middle of that post. They are “I’m feeling optimistic”
    There’s probably a very logical IT explanation for this, personally I think it’s magic.

  89. Chloe Taylor-Jones September 13, 2011 at 1:23 pm #

    Sending my love to all the Kilburn family and Toby. Xxx

  90. Helen September 13, 2011 at 1:25 pm #

    I have read Rosie’s blog for just over a couple of months or so now, and feel it is important to post a message on here as I am sure you will read them all. I also hope you are able to take something from each message, as reading through them I can see they are written with thought..much like Rosie’s blogs.

    It is such sad news to hear. I hope you are comforted by the huge number of people’s thoughts your family and Rosie are in, today and for a very long time to come. It was easy to see through Rosie’s blog that she was so proud of you all and of the way you all looked after her giving her the strength to remain strong, positive and amazing – which is something to take from this. I know Rosie will continue to live through the legacy and benefits of TKOE and the thousands of people she inspired.

    I am sure I speak for everybody on here (family, close friends, friends and strangers) that we will be here for support indefintely and you need only ask…positive news abou the fantastic TKOE website being renewed.

    Thinking of all of Team Kilburn xxxx

  91. Lucy Henderson September 13, 2011 at 1:57 pm #

    hey team kilburn, i am so so so devastated. the world has lost a wonderful person. rosie made a huge impact on hundreds of people and will never be forgotten xx

  92. Darren September 13, 2011 at 4:59 pm #

    Greatest sympathy for the loss of your wonderful brilliant Rosie. I’m 3 years into the 5 for an all clear from bowl cancer, there is not a moment that I don’t realise how lucky I am. I hope when I do meet my maker that I can do it the courage and whit that Rosie showed right up until the end. I will never forget her valiant fight. It’s fair to say a fantastically bright star has dimmed only a little, she will live on in our collective memories. God bless you all.

  93. Kelly September 13, 2011 at 5:35 pm #

    Just another message to say how sorry I am and that I, like everyone else will be thinking of you all. Rosie and the rest of the inner team Kilburn took everything in their stride to such an extent that it became easy to forget how positive and brave you were all actually being.

    Looking back at old posts and photos of Rosie, she just looks so much like any other teenager, it’s amazing to think what she turned out to be capable of. Everyone has commented on how inspiring she was and of course I agree, (couldn’t agree more) but it reading her updates it also struck me that she was just a really great person in every respect.

    Her personality came across so well that it was just impossible not to really like her and not just because of all the amazing work she did, but because she was just so obviously funny and kind.

    I’ll be thinking of you all and wishing you all well.

  94. Dave Lunt September 13, 2011 at 5:51 pm #

    Just seen the report on Points West. God Bless you Rosie x

  95. Mandy Marston September 13, 2011 at 6:04 pm #

    So sorry to hear your sad news on the TV tonight. By all accounts Rosie was a one off with a huge character and someone who will leave a huge gap in ll your lives. I have never seen her before today but I felt moved to leave this message for her in the hope that it will give some comfort to you and your family. Keep up her good works – she would be proud of you!

  96. Jenny W. September 13, 2011 at 6:36 pm #

    Do not stand at my grave and weep
    I am not there, I do not sleep
    I am a 1,000 winds that blow
    I am the diamond glints on snow
    I am the sun on ripened grain
    I am the gentle autumn rain
    When you awaken in the morning’s hush
    I am the swift uplifting rush
    Of quiet birds in circled light
    I am the soft star that shines at night

  97. marie September 13, 2011 at 8:19 pm #

    such an inspiration, and a very brave girl, my thoughts are with you all. met rosie a few times as she was a good friend of my daughters, she will never be forgotten, rest in peace rosie .

  98. Coz Al September 14, 2011 at 7:50 am # BBC Points West item.
    14.17 minutes in is a piece about Rosie. You can probably only watch it online today though as tonight’s programme will replace it.

    • celia butler September 14, 2011 at 10:41 am #

      Thank you so much for posting this link. I searched iPlayer last night and couldn’t find it. Such a lovely tribute.

  99. nick NRTMOTORS September 14, 2011 at 10:59 am #

    Been following the blog since my father in law died of cancer at the end of july.
    Our thoughts are with you all.The Davis Terry Family Bromsberrrow Heath.

  100. Sue Eckstein September 14, 2011 at 11:32 am #

    I was so sorry to hear of Rosie’s death – my condolences to you all. Rosie very kindly let me use her words and picture in an article I wrote for the Guardian on December 21st last year and we stayed in touch through her blog and the occasional tweet. We swopped a T shirt for a novel. I will be thinking of you over the coming weeks and months.

  101. Charlotte M September 14, 2011 at 1:20 pm #

    What can I say… I will always remember playing in the sunshine with Rosie when the family moved house, with little Sylvie desperate to join in the fun. I couldn’t believe the news when she was diagnosed. I will forever remember her as the dazzling, confident and kind girl she was. My heart goes out to the whole family at this difficult time.


  102. Holly Vernall September 14, 2011 at 1:56 pm #

    Dear Rosie,

    The time I’ve known you, you have made an impact on my life,as you have done to everyone.
    Your are still the bravest and most lovely girl I have ever known.
    I can’t believe this has day has come, always seeing you when you came to work, head held high and always smiling. You are an inspiration to everyone an you should feel VERY proud of yourself. I know your up there smiling.
    Everyone will miss you very much!

    My thoughts are with Toby and the Family, lots of love, Holly xx

  103. Donna Wallbank September 14, 2011 at 2:21 pm #

    Always remember to forget the things that made you sad, but never forget to remember all the things that made you glad.x

    I remember Rosie at Bournemouth at the RIBI Young Citizens awards and she certainly made an impact, a daughter to be proud of and an amazing inspirational young thoughts and condolences -Donna Wallbank Rotary Club of Brynmawr

  104. drew September 14, 2011 at 6:02 pm #

    i know nothing im going to say will make you feel any better but rosie was an amazing person! shes the most bravest girl i have ever come across! she will be dearly missed and never forgotten.

    my thoughts are with you. xxxxxxx.

  105. Cara September 14, 2011 at 6:17 pm #

    My deepest sympathies, thinking of you all at this time.

    Cara Xx

  106. ro September 14, 2011 at 6:55 pm #

    I am so gutted to hear this, and so sorry, inner Team Kilburn. My thoughts are with you.

    I loved reading Rosie’s blog, even though I found it difficult to read in recent weeks, she usually managed to make me smile or laugh, and I’m still amazed at how positive she continued to be. She was a proper inspiration.

    I hadn’t expected this to happen yet – I was still hoping for another opportunity when I could send her post like I did when she was at Birmingham YPU. And to read of her pub lunch – I hope you do all go, and enjoy it, I’m sure she’d want that. Have a turkey dinner.

    I’ll really miss reading her blog, and of hearing more about the Kilburn family. I want to know how long it takes Chris to eat his gummy bear, and how Calum does at his trampolining, and the others things Rosie would have posted.

    Often at times like this people say “at least she’s at peace now” but I don’t feel that would be appropriate with Rosie – I know at times she was distressed or in pain, when her pump broke etc, but she still conveyed a sense of peace and happiness in so many of her posts. To say “at least she’s at peace now” would suggest she was completely at not-peace before.

    My thoughts and love are with you all, Jo, Chris, Calum, Sylvie and Toby, and as someone else said: thank you so much for sharing Rosie with the world, especially in the last few months when she sometimes needed your help to blog. You helped her make the world a better place.

  107. Michelle September 14, 2011 at 7:52 pm #

    Dear Team Kilburn
    Today I received a photo of an otter called Kilburn. The compliment slip in it said a copy had also been sent to Rosie.
    I do hope you are not too upset if you get the photo. I am just sad that it didn’t come in time for Rosie.
    Wishing you well, Michelle

    • Rosie's Mum September 14, 2011 at 8:19 pm #

      Hi Michelle. It arrived this morning and we loved it. Thank you so much for doing it.

      • Michelle Gabriel September 15, 2011 at 7:09 am #

        Dear Jo, Chris, Cal and Sylvie and Rosie, wherever you may be
        No need to thank me, I loved doing it, as I said before I saw the story of the otter, though about his fighting spirit and thought of Rosie. Infact Kilburn is appropriate for the whole team spirit, so he really reflects all of you.
        He will be released into the wilds soon. Back to where he belongs. But he will be forever Kilburn, Rosie’s otter (sorry Lin :-), will try and do you sometime soon!)

      • Lin September 15, 2011 at 2:54 pm #

        Thank you Mic…..will make me very happy whenever:)

  108. Catherine September 14, 2011 at 9:07 pm #

    Rosie was a remarkable young woman with an incredible spirit that will live on in everyone who remembers her. My thoughts are with you all.

  109. Hannah September 14, 2011 at 9:30 pm #

    Heartbreaking news.
    Rosie warmed the hearts of many and will never be forgotten. She taught us all to live life to it’s maximum and never shy away from the hardships. She was a truly inspiring young woman. My thoughts go out to everyone who knew her- especially her family.

    Rest in peace, Rosie. I hope you find it to your liking up there.

  110. Debbie September 15, 2011 at 9:32 am #

    Such sad news, I have struggled to find any words to say. My heart goes out to all those who love Rosie, and to Jo, Chris, Sylvie, Calum and Toby in particular.

    One of the most remarkable postings from Ro came on 12th July. She was upset because she had just been told that her options were “thinning out”. And of course she was scared. Then in true Rosie style, she told us she had an idea. A plan. And the plan was simple: she wasn’t going to let cancer kill her.

    Over the next 2 months there were many times that her plan was tested. Somehow she managed to rally round. I suspect that we all hoped beyond hope that the doctors were wrong and that she would miraculously overcome all the odds. Such was her optimism and valiant spirit.

    On Monday the news came. It felt sudden and unexpected, which of course is a ridiculous thing to say.

    And Rosie, what happened to your plan? How could you do this, did you have us all fooled?

    But reading the outpouring of love and admiration on this blog and her facebook page, I realise that she did indeed achieve her plan. Her spirit is very much alive and kicking, not quashed by that horrible disease.

    Whenever things get tough, I don’t suppose I shall be the only one who will put on those Rosie-coloured specs, concoct a simple plan (which might just be an attitude of defiance!) and smile on through it.

    Thank you Rosie. You pulled off your plan!

    much love to all

    Debbie xxx

  111. Eileen Richards September 17, 2011 at 12:28 am #

    I know that at present that you must think that God,if he exists, is a complete b$£!”&*. But I heard this read at the funeral of a friend who died of leukaemia,aged 23,and thought it was rather lovely. I hope you don’t take offence.
    Poem for a Daughter

    Gods Lent Child

    Ill lend you for a little while,
    A child of mine, God said
    For you to love the while she lives,
    And mourn for when shes dead.
    It may be six or seven days
    Or forty two or three,
    But will you, till I call her back,

    Take care of her for me?

    Shell bring charms to gladden you
    And (should her stay be brief)
    You’ll have her memories
    As solace for your grief.
    I cannot promise she will stay
    Since all from earth return
    But there are lessons taught below
    I want this child to learn.

    I‘ve looked this whole world over
    In my search for teachers true,
    And from the things that crowd lifes lanes
    I have chosen you.
    Now will you give her all your love
    Nor think the labour vain?
    Nor hate me when I come to take
    This lent child back again?

    I will do that I heard them say,
    Dear Lord, Thy will be done,
    For all the joys this child will bring
    The risk of grief well run.
    We will shelter her with tenderness
    Well love her while we may
    And for the happiness we’ve known
    Forever grateful stay.

    But should the angels call for her
    Much sooner than we planned
    Well brave the bitter grief that comes
    And try to understand.

    Author Unknown

  112. Eileen Richards September 17, 2011 at 12:32 am #

    Sorry,just to add to the above (I am no IT whizz!). I would have done these deal for any of my 3 children and, Jo and chris, I guess you would have done so too.


  113. Eileen Richards September 17, 2011 at 12:43 am #

    What can I say? Who ever thought when we were at Warwick uni together in Rootes B on that firstyear that life would turn out so hard for you. As I am ure you know,I wrote to Rosie about the ‘Home Rule for Heckmondwike campaign’ and she replied to me, a reply that I will treasure.You must have unbelievable strngth and Jo must be a remarkable person, as well as Calum and Sylvie. Please be assured that my thoughts and prayers are with you all.There aren’t many of us that will be abel to say that we produced someone that contributed as much to life as your Rosie.

    My heart sincerely goes out to you all.

    Eileen (nee Sheehan)

  114. Lauren December 30, 2013 at 1:57 am #

    I only discovered this blog tonight and have read the entire inspirational thing into the wee hours. I’ve learnt so much from Rosie and yourselves in just a few hours and hope that I can use some of Rosie’s insight in my career as a Dr. when I graduate. May she burn brightly in the collective memory and her family’s hearts for a long long time. X

    • theknockoneffect January 1, 2014 at 6:44 pm #

      Thank you very much for reading Rosie’s blog and for such kind comments. Good luck with becoming a doctor. Jo and all at TKOE xx

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